Fitness, Fitness Motivation, Workouts

Spartan Training Challenge (Week 2)

Sorry this post is a few days late. I never saw any feedback for if anyone other than my sister did last weeks workout but it’s not too late! I also wanted to recommend doing at least one other strength workout of your choice and two to three cardio days per week while training (one endurance and one hill). For this weeks workout I wanted to focus in a little more on legs, core and grip strength. Next weeks workout will hopefully involve some cheap DIY workout equipment so stay tuned.As a side note, I am currently down 21 pounds since January and even though I hadn’t weighed myself for a while before I got pregnant I’m pretty sure I’m below my pre-pregnancy weight. My husband says this is the tightest he’s ever seen my abs which was very motivating for me. This workout is roughly the length and difficulty of my usual workouts (ok maybe its harder haha). I will post more about my diet soon if anyone is interest in hearing please comment and let me know.

Warm Up:

  • 20 air squats
  • 10 booty blasters (reverse lunge, squat, reverse lunge with other leg, squat)
  • 20 Jumping jacks
  • 20 Push-ups
  • 20 V-hops
  • 1 Minute Mountain Climbers

Work out: We did 3 sets of each exercise super-setting 2 exercises at a time

  • 15 Banded Superman Lat. pulls

    Banded Superman Lat Pulls

  • Side plank w/cross body crunch

    Side plank w/ cross body crunch

  • Pull-ups *variation: jump or step up and then fight the negative ( go down as slow as you can)
  • Hip Thrusters *tip: point toes slightly out ( extra credit hold your kid)
  • Bulgarian Lunges
  • Banded Knee-pulls
  • Rolling Burpees
  • Leg press a friend* lay on back with hips right in front of something for your friend to hold on to, have friend sit on your feet and keep you stable with the post or whatever they are holding on to. (great core work for the person being pressed) * you have to play around with this one to find the right spot. If you are doing the workout alone you could just do squats instead or use a band.

    Leg press a friend

  • Hold on to the bar until failure
  • We ended with a 6 minute Tabata- 20 second plie squat pulses, 20 second plie squat hops, 20 seconds rest X 6

My name is Heather I'm a 32 year old soon to be mother, personal trainer/ business owner, nutrition coach and makeup artist. Some might say I work in all things involving self empowerment/ becoming ones best self. I believe that life life is all about finding balance. Finding balance between work and family, ambition and contentment, health and indulgence. I wanted to start a blog as a reference for clients and those interested in similar things and also to show my journey along the quest for balance and becoming my best self.